Hamilton Serbians Youth Soccer Club

The Hamilton Serbians Youth Soccer Club (HSYSC) was formed in 1958 and is one of
the oldest and longest running soccer organizations in Ontario. Our goal is to advance
high-performance programs for our youth players in order for them to continuously learn
and collectively grow together in the spirit of soccer, good health and community. Our
teams play locally in Hamilton-Wentworth leagues, regionally in GTA leagues, and
internationally in tournaments.
As part of our 60th anniversary celebration, we are thrilled to announce that our highly
successful U10 and U11 boys’ teams will be participating in two world-renown
youth tournaments. We are proud to announce that our club is the first and only
CANADIAN ORGANIZATION to have youth teams invited to compete in these
prestigious European events.


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The Final Farewell

Club members, parents, children and public; this is our final farewell to the HSYSC. It has been an outstanding past couple of years. With many hurdles along the way we have worked relentlessly to rectify any issues and better our club that we are all very proud of. From a change of equipment providers to successful fundraising events, these past terms have been something special.

We established a strong connection with major labels like TFC and Tim Hortons! All to better this experience for the children of HSYSC! We pushed and brainstormed ways to lower registrations costs so every child has an opportunity to play.

The donation to the children’s park at our home field of Shady Acres was one of our greatest accomplishments this past year and has proven to be worth every penny according to our kids. Our new soccer nets, lawnmower and closer relationship with the executive team at Shady Acres and the executive team of SNF has made the progressive 59th year of HSYSC unlike any other.

Your executive team starting with President Sasa Stankovic, Vice-President Dejan Rajsic, Treasurer Sue Zdero, Secretary Milka Dosenovic, Club Administrator/Registrar Branka Rajsic, Equipment Manager Mike Vidovic and Fields Coordinator Drasko Zdero, would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for supporting us and being patient and considerate throughout this entire process. We have formed a family of our own staying up until the early hours of the morning discussing what our next big thing is and waking up even earlier to make it to a meeting for even more!

Our – YOUR – 2017 President Sasa Stankovic has worked unlike any other, we couldn’t have done it without him!

We wish forever the best for HSYSC and send all congratulations to Lela Stevanovic! We are always here to help and support you along the way.


From our family to yours,





Congratulations Sue Zdero!

CONGRATULATIONS to Sue Zdero for winning the Distinguished Sport Volunteer 2017 Award! Thank you for everyone who voted and made this happen! Sue has dedicated 10 years to HSYSC running administration, treasury, registrations and much more.. She has put in countless hours to help make this club function. She is always the go to person for everything and never fails to respond and help in every way that she can.









The executive team of 2015-2017 was honoured to spend the night with Sue and many members of the Soccer District at the 2017 Hamilton Sport Volunteer Ceremony at the Hamilton Convention Centre!






New president Lela Stevanovic

A big congratulations to our new president Lela Stevanovic who has signed on for a two year term to dedicate her time to our club! We thank you for all of your help and would like to wish you all of the best in the next two years!

The new executive team is to be announced..


Recognizing Jovo Kovacevic!

Name: Jovo Kovacevic

DOB: July 12, 1997

From time to time, we love to recognize the rising stars within our community. We offer these children and young adults our upmost support and see them as great idols for our young players!

A little bit about Jovo Kovacevic:

He played soccer from age 8 – 16 whilst dancing folklore for 10 years! This busy young man also followed his passion for hockey and played minor league in Grimsby, St. Catharines and Niagara Falls. Progressively, played Division 1 NCAA hockey for Merrimack College.

He is now in his second year of University in North Andover Massachusetts studying civil engineering.

He hopes to one day play professional hockey in Winnipeg.

We’re rooting for you Jovo! Let’s go Jets!

Congratulations Jordan Stock

Name: Jordan Stock

DOB: March 23, 2001


Jordan played with the Hamilton Serbians Youth Soccer Club from 2010 to 2015. He is now a Hamilton Bulldog prospect! We are very proud to see our ex Hamilton Serbians young men grow up to become bigger and greater athletes! We proudly recognize his achievements and wish him the best of luck in the years to come! Your home team supports you whole-heartedly Jordan!

Keep your game strong, your sportsmanship first and your focus at 100%!

For more information on this topic please visit our local newspaper
